
ISimT-19: Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery on 19 and 20 November

Make your turbomachinery simulation fit for the future! Our ISimT-19, the Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery, offers a high-calibre conference to learn the latest trends and developments in the use of simulation technologies for turbomachinery applications.

ISimQ invites you cordially to ISimT-19 on 19 and 20 November 2019 in the castle “Schloss Hohenkammer”, north of Munich near the airport.

Attractive Programme with exciting and instructive lectures

As every year, you can expect an attractive program with exciting and instructive lectures. Our keynotes are already confirmed: Dr.-Ing. Florian Menter of ANSYS Germany will present “Progress in Turbulence Modelling”. Paul Galpin, the ISimQ specialist on numerical methods, will continue his lecture series on CFD methods with “CFD Solution Algorithms for Pressure-Velocity-Density Coupling”. Nick Wyman (Pointwise) and Thorsten Hansen (ISimQ) will present “A New Method for Geometry-Sensitive, CFD Code-Independent Mesh Adaptation”.

ISimQ is grateful for active contributions to the symposium in the form of a lecture! You can find a “Call for Presentations”, a registration form and information about the program at http://isimq.com/isimt-symposium/. The ISimT-19 attendance is free for presenters.

Alternatively, you can visit our annual expert meeting ISimT-19 and listen to the presentations. With just a few clicks, you can register at http://isimq.com/isimt-symposium/.

Seize the opportunity and collect new ideas and approaches for your work and research from peers and scientists. Join our ISimT-19 – whether as a lecturer or a participant!