
Become a fan: The conference FAN 2018 for the fan industry

The latest developments around fans at first hand, for example, the ventilation system for longest railway tunnel in the world: You can learn about them from 18 to 20 April 2018 at FAN 2018. International fan experts will meet in Darmstadt, Germany, invited by Technische Universität Darmstadt, Universität Siegen and the French engineering institutes CETIAT and CETIM.

Topics with individual sessions will be fan applications and systems, aerodynamics, and fan noise. ISimQ will present one of the three keynote lectures. Dr.-Ing. Georg Scheuerer will speak about “Turbomachinery – Past and Future of CFD Simulations”. Further keynotes will come from Christoph Brander of Pöyry Schweiz about the “Gotthard Tunnel Ventilation System Design” and Tony Breen (Nuaire) about “Standards and Regulation”.

More information and registration to the event in the Darmstadtium conference centre is available at www.fan2018.org.

CFD simulation of turbomachinery