Unser Technologie-Turbo: 8. Mai 2019 in Würzburg Unser Technologie-Turbo: 8. Mai 2019 in Würzburg Alles rund um die Simulation von Strömungsmaschinen, vom Entwurf bis zur Optimierung: Wir laden Sie herzlich ein zum Technologietag am 8. Mai 2019 ins Convention Center nach Würzburg. Das Programm bietet einen kompakten und lehrreichen Überblick zu allen wichtigen numerischen Methoden für Turbomaschinen, Strömungs- und Strukturmechanik inklusive. Die Vorträge beinhalten sowohl Hintergrund der Methoden als auch typische Anwendungsfälle und sind für verschiedene Anwendergruppen interessant. Wir veranstalten den Technologietag zusammen mit Advanced Design Technology und CADFEM. Der Technologie-Tag im Detail Der Technologietag richtet sich sowohl an Projektleiter, Entwicklungs- und Simulationsingenieure sowie an Forscher, die Strömungsmaschinen entwickeln, optimieren oder in Ihren Produkten einsetzen und mit Hilfe von numerischen Methoden berechnen wollen. Agenda 10:00-10:15 G. Scheuerer, ISimQ – Einführung und Überblick 10:30-11:30 M. Zangeneh, Advanced Design Technology – Turbomachinery Design with Inverse Methods – Theory & Application Inverse design method – Basic and advantages over conventional desig Main inputs of inverse design methods and their effects on 3-D flow fields Control of secondary flow in compressors, cavitation in pumps, noise in fans and shock waves in transonic compressors via blade loading inputs Inverse design optimisation and integration with ANSYS Workbench 11:30-12:30 G. Scheuerer, ISimQ – CFD-Simulationen mit & für Turbo: Von der Geometrie zur Auswertung Geometriemodellierung Qualitätskriterien für Rechennetze Mathematische Modelle – Turbulenz, Rotor-Stator-Wechselwirkung CFD-Simulationen – Optimierung des Rechenverfahrens und Qualitätssicherung Berechnung von Kennlinien – stationär & instationär Auswertung – Mittelungsverfahren, Koordinatentransformationen (Blade-to-Blade, Meridionalschnitte) 12:30-13:30 Mittagspause 13:30-14:30 K. Schönborn, CADFEM – Strukturmechanische Simulationen – Festigkeit, Modalanalyse & Rotordynamik Rotierende Maschinen in der Strukturmechanik Rotierende Lasten und Festigkeitsnachweis Nichtlineare Effekte in Rotoren Nichtlineare Anregung Rotorstabilität Lagermodellierung für rotierende Maschinen 14:30-15:15 T. Hansen, ISimQ – Berechnung von Fluid-Struktur-Wechselwirkung – Forced Response & Flutter Fluid-Struktur-Wechselwirkung – Prinzip Ein- und Zweiwegekopplung Austausch von Lasten – konservativ und profilerhaltend Übertragung von Deformationen – Bewegung der Rechennetze Schaufelschwingungen – Flutter Forced Response-Analysen 15:15-16:00 B. Neuhierl, CADFEM – Computerunterstützte Optimierung von Strömungsmaschinen Sensitivitätsanalysen (Metamodellierung, Response Surfaces, Parameterraumbevölkerung) Optimierungsverfahren (Gradientenbasiert, evolutionär, Particle Swarm) Robustes Design Multidisziplinäre Optimierung: Strömung, Struktur, Temperaturfeld Typische Workflows für Strömungsmaschinen Anwendungsbeispiel: Radialverdichter 16:00-17:30 Ende und Möglichkeit zu individuellen Diskussionen & Programmvorführungen Die Teilnahmegebühr für den Technologietag beträgt 125 €. In der Gebühr sind die persönliche Teilnahme, Mittagessen, Pausenverpflegung sowie Zugang zu den digitalen Seminarunterlagen enthalten. Sie können sich durch eine E-Mail an info@isimq.com anmelden. Nach Ihrer Anmeldung erhalten Sie eine Bestätigung. Die Rechnungsstellung erfolgt vor der Veranstaltung. Stornierungen können bis einschließlich 2. Mai 2019 kostenlos und danach gegen eine Bearbeitungsgebühr von 50 € vorgenommen werden. Es können aber Ersatzteilnehmer benannt werden. Falls Sie technische oder organisatorische Fragen zu unserem Technologietag haben, können Sie uns unter den folgenden Nummern kontaktieren: Programm: Georg Scheuerer, Telefon: 08024 6083308, georg.scheuerer@isimq.com Organisation: Uschi Gringmuth, Tel. 08024 902 9364, uschi.gringmuth@isimq.com Organisatoren Advanced Design Technology CADFEM ISimQ
Save the Date: Our ISimT-19 at 19 and 20 November 2019 Save the Date: Our ISimT-19 at 19 and 20 November 2019 Please put these two days into your calendar: We invite you to ISimT, our Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery. This year’s ISimT-19 will take place at 19 and 20 November 2019 near Munich, Germany. Exciting and educative keynote speeches and presentation Our planning for the agenda has started: The attendees will again experience two days of exciting and educative keynote speeches and presentations on cutting-edge topics around trends and developments in the CFD simulation of turbomachinery. Many experts from industry and research use our forum to exchange ideas, to network and to develop their expertise. Like last year, we chose Schloss Hohenkammer, north of Munich near the airport, as the location. The countdown is on! Stay tuned We will post updates to the ISimT-19, the programme and registration forms on our website https://www.isimq.com/isimt-symposium/ and in our blog https://www.isimq.com/blog/.
SimXp: Energy Efficiency & Indoor Climate – Simulation & Experiment SimXp: Energy Efficiency & Indoor Climate – Simulation & Experiment The digital transformation of the building industry is underway – keyword “Building Information Modelling – BIM”. The added value of digital models extends far beyond the traditional methods of building planning. The SimXp seminar on 13 and 14 March 2019 in Holzkirchen, Germany, will show how to combine simulation and experimentation to benefit from digitalisation successfully. SimXp shows smart solutions for energy efficiency and indoor climate of buildings The focus of SimXp are digital planning tools for optimising energy efficiency and indoor climate. The seminar is organised by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics IBP and the simulation specialists of ISimQ. Digitalisation and the resulting information density are the prerequisites for life cycle-oriented, integral building planning. Thanks to BIM, interdisciplinary project teams will be able to link the requirements from architecture, building physics, technical building services, facility and energy management to an unprecedented degree and develop comprehensive solutions based on this information. Digitalisation is taking place across all phases, from drafting to commissioning and operational optimisation. Early simulations of the thermo-energetic behaviour and computer-aided models for evaluating the resulting comfort and user acceptance are the starting point for innovative building system solutions. They form building blocks of a digital building twin, i.e. a virtual building image for planning and operation. SimXp aims at engineers, project managers and executives responsible for research and development, innovation management and business development in the construction sector. More information and registration is available at www.simxp.de. The SimXp presentations will be in German language.
Innovative Ideas in an Old Castle: The ISimT-18 Innovative Ideas in an Old Castle: The ISimT-18 This year, ISimQ invited to the castle Hohenkammer north of Munich for an exchange on innovative turbomachinery flow simulations: The ISimT-18 took place in mid-November in a historic building. The symposium on “Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery” was again well attended and the feedback from the participants was consistently positive. The ISimT symposium provides an overview of best practices, trends in flow simulation and advanced CFD techniques for a wide variety of turbomachinery applications such as pumps, gas turbines, and fans. This year, the keynote lectures were scientifically oriented: Professor Li He from Oxford University’s renowned Thermofluids Institute presented his ideas on “Multiscale Multiphysics Interactions: Challenges and Opportunities in Turbomachinery CFD”. Paul Galpin, the ISimQ specialist in numerical methods, gave a theoretical overview of “Vertex-Centred and Cell-Centred Discretisation Schemes”. “We have achieved a good mix of new methods and examples from industrial practice. I think everyone was able to take something home”, says ISimQ’s Managing Director Georg Scheuerer. The attendees liked the opportunity to exchange ideas with representatives of leading companies and renowned research institutes between the lectures and at the evening event. “The discussions were very lively”, confirms Scheuerer. Proceedings The ISimT-18 agenda is online at http://isimq.com/isimt-symposium/. The presentations are available for a fee of € 225. Please send an email to isimt@isimq.com if you are interested. ISimT-19 We will announce information about the next symposium, the ISimT-19, in early 2019. Contact For questions about the symposium, please write an e-mail to isimt@isimq.com or call us at +49 8024 6083308.
ISimT-18 – Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery – Program is online ISimT-18 – Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery – Program is online The ISimT-18 program is online! Once again, ISimQ is presenting a high-caliber agenda for its Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery on 15 and 16 October 2018 at Schloss Hohenkammer near Munich. You can find it online at http://isimq.com/isimt-symposium/. The ISimT-18 features around 20 specialist lectures on the theory and application of CFD simulation methods to turbomachinery by representatives of well-known companies and research institutions. This time we are especially looking forward to the keynote lecture of a top expert in the field of turbomachinery CFD simulation: Prof. Dr Li He of Oxford University on “Multiscale Multiphysics Interactions: Challenges and Opportunities in Turbomachinery CFD”. In the second keynote lecture, Paul Galpin from ISimQ, a longtime expert in CFD methods, will present the differences and similarities of “cell-centred” and “vertex-centred” finite-volume methods. Register now: Since the number of attendees is limited, we recommend a quick registration via http://isimq.com/isimt-symposium/. Here you will also find all the details of the event. The ISimQ team would be delighted to welcome you to Schloss Hohenkammer in October.
Turbulent Flow Simulations in Theory and Practice – Short Course at TU Dresden Turbulent Flow Simulations in Theory and Practice – Short Course at TU Dresden More powerful computers and modern simulation methods make numerical simulations of turbulent flows increasingly significant. Whether in product development, quality assurance, applied research or consulting activities – high-quality simulations provide reliable results and added benefit. In turbulent flow simulations, the last years have seen remarkable progress in turbulence modelling and numerical methods. These developments are presented at the university short course “Numerical Computation of Turbulent Flows in Research and Practice” of GVT Forschungs-Gesellschaft Verfahrens-Technik, to which ISimQ as a simulation specialist contributes. Lectures by renowned experts in simulations of turbulent flows Renowned experts in the field will provide engineers from industry and research with the necessary tools from 12 to 14 September 2018. The three-day course at Technische Universität Dresden offers six lectures each day on modern methods for turbulent flow simulation, discussions and exchange of experience. ISimQ’s Dr.-Ing. Georg Scheuerer contributes three lectures to the short course on solution algorithms for finite-volume methods, on numerical grids and their properties as well as on quality assurance for simulation results. Registration and further information at http://gvt.org/Hochschulkurse.html
ISimT-18: Invitation & “Call for Presentations” ISimT-18 – Symposium on Innovative Simulations in Turbomachinery: Invitation & “Call for Presentations” If you would like to increase your simulation success and the quality of your products and services, you should attend ISimT-18, ISimQ’s symposium on Innovative Simulation in Turbomachinery, a top-class conference for the latest trends and developments in the use of simulation technology for turbomachinery. Use the opportunity to gather new ideas and approaches for your work and research! Stay up-to-date and visit the ISimT-18 – whether as lecturer or participant! ISimT-18 takes place on 15 and 16 October 2018 in the Hohenkammer castle, north of Munich and near the airport. As every year, ISimQ offers an attractive program with instructive keynote speeches and lectures. In the first keynote, Professor Dr Li He from the prestigious Oxford Thermofluids Institute will speak on “Multiscale Multiphysics Interactions: Challenges and Opportunities in Turbomachinery CFD”. In the second keynote Paul Galpin, ISimQ’s specialist in numerical methods will discuss “Vertex-Centered and Cell-Centered Discretisation Schemes”. If you want to contribute to the symposium with a high-quality lecture, you can find a “Call for Presentations”, a registration form and information about the program at http://isimq.com/isimt-symposium/. Attendance is free of charge for presenters. If you have any questions or need more information, please contact ISimQ by e-mail. You are also welcome as a participant at ISimT-18. With just a few clicks you can register at http://isimq.com/isimt-symposium/. You can find a review of ISimT-17 at https://www.isimq.com/isimt-17-successful-second-round/.
Big picture: 1-D to 3-D Coupling for Turbomachinery Big picture: 1-D to 3-D Coupling for Turbomachinery Products are becoming ever more complex and intelligent. They require a smooth interaction of their components, all with their special physical laws, as well as their hardware and embedded software. Design and optimisation of such products must be holistic (or systemic). This is more and more done with system or network codes. But how best to feed those system codes? This is demonstrated in the Seminar “1-D to 3-D CFD System Design for Turbomachinery” organised by EnginSoft on 24 April 2018 in Düsseldorf, Germany. ISimQ will contribute a presentation on the basics and applications of coupling one- and three-dimensional flow calculation methods. System codes require either empirical models or correlations for the simulation. However, deriving such models or correlations from experimental data is time-consuming and expensive. The alternative: Simulate the components with multi-dimensional field methods (e.g. for fluid mechanics, structural mechanics, electromagnetics) and feed the information into the system codes – either directly through co-simulation or with an intermediate step, the reduced-order models (ROM). More information about the seminar and registration is available at http://www.enginsoft.com/de/events/turbomachinery-symposium.html
SimXp successfully launched SimXp successfully launched Simulation meets Experiment: Smart combinations of experiment and simulation. We showed that in early March 2018 with SimXp. The new seminar was organised by the Fraunhofer Institute for Building Physics (IBP) and ISimQ in Valley near Munich. The focus was on indoor climate and energy efficiency, and on the potential of digitalisation, for example through Building Information Modelling (BIM). The offer was well received; the feedback from the participants was consistently positive. Of particular interest were topics such as digital twins, co-validation, zonal models and the possibilities of linking system simulations with CFD methods. As a highlight, the participants could visit the Fraunhofer IBP test facilities and look into the digital future of building and planning with its virtual reality techniques which will make the indoor climate directly tangible. SimXp ended with a visit to the “Flight Test Facility” of Fraunhofer IBP, in which the climate in aircraft is examined. We plan the next SimXp seminar in March 2019. More information and an agenda for SimXp: www.simxp.de
Save the Date: Our ISimT-18 on 15 and 16 October 2018 Save the Date: Our ISimT-18 15 and 16 October 2018 at Schloss Hohenkammer, close to Munich We had just started ISimQ when we had the idea of organising a new technical conference, a symposium specifically for innovative turbomachinery flow and heat transfer simulations: The ISimT was born. The offer was well received. The first two events, ISimT-16 and ISimT-17, were a full success with nearly 80 participants each, top-class lectures by representatives of well-known companies and renowned university institutes and high-quality presentations covering a wide range of applications. The feedback from the participants was consistently positive. Therefore, we continue this year with the ISimT-18 for which the planning is already underway. On 15 and 16 October 2018, ISimQ invites you to Schloss Hohenkammer, close to Munich Airport and the A9 motorway between Ingolstadt and Munich. The “Call for Presentations” is expected to start at the end of May. “We will again organise good keynote speeches and an interesting agenda,” assures ISimQ’s Georg Scheuerer. We will host updates to the ISimT-18 such as program and registration on our Website www.isimq.com/isimt-symposium and announce it in our blog.